So...Mondays are usually a bust for me.
I spend it recovering from my weekend, and preparing my schedule for the week. I know, the weekend should be a relaxing time with the family but family time often means cooking, cleaning and babysitting a two year old with dreams of Olympic Gold in gymnastics - hardly relaxing.
And that's just Saturday.
Sundays come along with waking up early and preparing The Goo and myself for church. The Goo is easy. Deciding what to wear which allows me some degree of self expression while staying within The Rules of The Ushers' Dress Code is hard. Yesterday, I went with easy, and wore jeans, my 'I found Jesus' t shirt complete with crossword puzzle, and trainers. No complaints from my leaders so Yay!
The best part of Sunday (apart from The Word, and Praise and Worship, and all that wonderful churchy goodness) is the rice we buy after service. 2 packs of Ofada for me, 2 packs of Jollof for Papa Goo and 1 pack of Fried Rice for The Goo.
Good Times!
It means I don't have to cook when we get home. I don't even have to pop anything into the microwave. I can go lie down and rest my eyes, or read a gazillion romance novels.
I can rest.
And I do.
I rest or goof off, and ignore the fact that a New Week has begun. I ignore the need to prepare a schedule for housework, and meals, and writing, and meetings. I just rest. And put it all off till Monday.
What do you do with your Mondays?
That's what I call a 6 pack.
I sleep...and sleep...and sleeep :D
I oversleep, run late to church. go out to eat with the hubby after church, come back and watch his crappy TV shows with him. snatch the remote and chase him away. iron my clothes, think about Monday with fear and trepidation. Sleep! Sundays are usually spent, besides the church hustle, getting ready for Monday! Its the rush of uniforms, checking the store for food, (sometimes) cooking (if there is nothing left from Saturday because I really, really, really dislike cooking on Sunday. I don't usually get the chance to sleep though...
The Goo can eat 2 packs of fried rice?? Wow :D
How do I spend my Mondays? As soon as my baby and I are bathed and fed, he goes to sleep and I settle down to research and then write at least one article, stopping every now and then to play Hearts on my laptop, and tweet. Then I pop out of my room to cuddle my son, hand him back to his caregiver, and go back to do more research, writing, Hearts, and tweeting. The joys of working from home!
I then spend the last two hours before I "close for the day" copy-editing (I'm a writer and copy-editor but I enjoy editing more than I do writing, so I save it for last :D)
Mondays are my favourite days. I really, really love my work...
On monday? Abi, you no open eye well see say na "What do you do with your Mondays?" dem ask? :p
Mondays.....ah! Since I usually rest on sundays, I'm refreshed & ready to go by monday morning. I used to dread mondays but since I started my own business it's become one of my favorite days. Get to the office, start the weeks training, get some work done, close early & go shopping for foodstuff. Mondays are market days here, so I get fresh stuff. All in all, pretty good day!
My Mondays come to me like a shock. Bam! And I suddenly realize that it's Monday and there are last minute things I didn't let Sunday take care of.
@Harris, Oops, I actually buy 1 pack of Fried Rice for The Goo, and em...join her...solidarity and all that. I shall edit the post now now.
@Kelvin, sleeping through your Monday. Impressive.
@0Toxic, oya talk your own na!
@Joy and Clarion, see enjoyment.
@Sifa, sleeping on Sunday is important. Remember the Sabbath:)
@naijawife, which crappy TV shows? I hope you retaliate with Style Network.
@Walter, pele. I know the feeling. I've learnt to ignore it :p
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