Sunday, January 27, 2013

The 200 Book Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Timendu has
read 37 books toward her goal of 200 books.

Yes, I changed my goal again. Let's face it, if I'm going to be reading all those romance novels (and I will), then the tally is going to go up rather quickly. Romance novels are definitely smack dab in the middle of my comfort zone, and since I'm trying not to over indulge with chocolate, cake, or chocolate cake, then well...hello Nora!

Also, this past week I was kinda sorta under the weather - nauseous, poor appetite, insomnia, headaches - bring on the comforting. That's not to say, I won't try to expand my horizon and read things I would normally not read. However, I won't lie...I really like my comfort zone.

In other news, work has resumed. I've started on the wrong foot and am behind schedule, but that should be sorted out by tomorrow. I've decided to put my personal feelings aside, and be a disciplined professional. Yup. A Disciplined Professional.

I'm not entirely happy with my prep work for Good Intentions, but I have to start. Writing is rewriting, I've been told, so I suppose I should just jump to it.

Wish me luck. I'm actually a little nervous.

PS. I write the weekly column Rita's Road for Poise Finishing School's insert in Business Day newspaper (every Tuesday). If you could check it out, and let me know what you think, I would really appreciate it. Muchos Gracias, and have a great week.

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